Past Issues
April 2021 Newsletter
Hello everyone,
Welcome to the April 2021 edition of our newsletter. We're one week away from Spring Break and just a few weeks away from the end of the semester. We hope that, amidst everything, you're able to excel in these last parts of your classes, enjoy the break, then finish things off strong. You're almost at the finish line!
To those of you who are graduating, we'd love to find ways to honor you. Read on for info about our upcoming FTC grad celebration and a way that FTC is looking to highlight our members' accomplishments.
This month, we have our last two general body meetings of the semester. First is a resume workshop on April 9 led by two of our amazing FTC leaders, Angela Kafka and Rebecca Navas. Second is a job interview workshop on April 23 led by the spectacular Claire Arendas, our club historian. You won't want to miss them!
Finally, be sure to take part in our FTC Membership Survey this month. We value your opinion as members of our club and want to get your feedback so we can improve our programming for next school year. As an added bonus, we're running a raffle for anyone who takes the survey by April 19!
If FTC can assist you in any way, always feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or on our Discord server.
All the best,
John Clement
President, Future Technical Communicators
Recording + slides available | Keyboard Shortcuts: Mastering Microsoft Word
We hope you found our Keyboard Shortcuts meeting helpful! Here are the resources from the meeting including the recording and the slides, which contain a number of tips and links for you.
Now closed | STC Summit Interest Form
Thank you to everyone who participated in our STC Summit Interest Meeting and completed our form. We will soon be moving into the next steps of the funding process and will be contacting all who were interested in attending the Summit.
Recording + handout + slides available | Through the Generations: The Enduring Value of Technical Communication ft. Lori Meyer
Many thanks once again to Lori for sharing her wealth of knowledge and insight about the tech comm field with us. Please review these resources including the recording, slides, and a handout with extra information for your reference.
April Fools Game Night a Success!
Game Night was a complete blast. We had a great crowd show up, and between drawing battles, Jackbox games, trivia, and more, there was never a dull moment. Hijinks ensued.
FTC Membership Survey
FTC members, we'd love to hear from you! Fill out our new Membership Survey so that you can help our club improve. Respond by April 19 to be entered into a raffle to win a free software license for Snagit. Thank you, and we appreciate your feedback.
Click here to take our survey.
4/9 – Resume Workshop
Date: Friday, April 9 @ 4:30pm
Are you preparing to apply for a job? Do you want to learn how to make your resume the best it can be? At our next GBM on April 9, we will be hosting a resume workshop. Join us on Zoom and bring your resume!
4/23 – Interview Workshop
Date: Friday, April 23 @ 4:30pm
Our last GBM of the school year will feature a workshop on job interviews including best practices to follow, general advice, and a mock interview session available to all.
May – FTC Grad Celebration with Game
Date: TBD
We'd love to give one final hurrah to our graduating leaders and members. We are planning an online celebration and everyone is invited, especially if you're a grad this semester! Keep watch for more info.
Scholarship | The Patricia Angley Memorial Scholarship Award
The UCF English Department is pleased to announce The Patricia Angley Memorial Scholarship Award. This is a new award with a fast-approaching deadline. In honor of Dr. Angley, the award presents $1000 to a fulltime undergraduate student in English. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 15.
Job Opening | Lockheed Martin Temporary Technical Writer
Lockheed Martin is currently looking to recruit a technical writer for a temporary summer position. Applicants can be either graduates or undergraduates. Please read this post or visit our Discord for more info. You can send your resume and any questions directly to Nicole Litton ([email protected]).
Publication Opportunity |
FTC Member Accomplishments
FTC is looking to highlight the accomplishments of our members. Please share any academic, professional, or personal accomplishment(s) that you are proud of from this past year with us. The Florida Chapter of STC will be promoting these spotlights. This can serve as a good way to get your name out there, especially if you are a recent or soon-to-be graduate. You can mention these accomplishments either at the end of our Membership Survey or on our Discord's #accomplishments channel.
If you aren't already subscribed, click here to sign up for FTC's mailing list. You will receive all our latest announcements and newsletters right in your inbox. You can unsubscribe at any time by selecting "unsubscribe from this list" at the bottom of one of our emails.
We invite you to join our Discord channel, our most active online community. Also, visit our Linktree to find and follow us on social media and other platforms across the web.