Hi everyone,

Here are some STC webinars coming up this month! They’re focused on education and volunteering, and as such they should be helpful for STC students seeking to learn more about the field and get involved in the Society.

1. Honoring Our Own: Recognizing Your Community’s Volunteers
Date: Tuesday, February 15, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET (tomorrow)
Presenter: Lori Meyer

STC communities do great things, thanks to their hard-working volunteers. Recognizing those volunteers is a vital part of your community’s success. This webinar will discuss why recognition matters, options for recognition from both STC and your community, and how your community can create a recognition program to honor your volunteers.

Register here for the webinar: https://access.stc.org/Shared_Content/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=WEBLR21522&WebsiteKey=749f84ca-cf54-4b3c-8272-9e3fe238c6a7

2. What is Information Architecture? A Guide for Technical Communicators
Date: Thursday, 17 February 2022, 6:30-7:30 pm ET
Presenter: Neil Perlin

On Feb 17, The New England Chapter is having a webinar on “What is Information Architecture? A Guide for Technical Communicators” presented by Neil Perlin, a leader in the Tech Comm field.

The price for students is $5.00 and they only need to be an STC member (not a member of the NE chapter).

Register here for the webinar: https://www.stcnewengland.org/2022/01/26/february-program-information-architecture/

3. We Are TechComm KnowledgeXchange: New Member Meet-Up
Date: 18 February at 3:00 PM ET

If you are new to tech comm or STC, then join in! Bring your questions and ideas and attend one session or all. Registration is not required, and attendance is free.

Learn more: http://ow.ly/sQaX50HSQsB

4. How and Why to Get Involved: A Student Leader Perspective
Date: Tuesday, February 22, from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM ET
Presenter: John Clement

I’ll be presenting at this one!

Are you a leader in a professional organization looking to recruit students? Are you a student looking for volunteer and leadership opportunities to get your foot in the door of the technical communications industry?

Please join the Rochester STC chapter for a conversation with John Clement about how to get students more involved in professional organizations. Rochester’s Amanda Patterson will be sitting down with John to hear his story about becoming a student leader in STC and the Future Technical Communicator’s club. Along the way, we are going to talk about what he is hearing from student volunteers (and soon-to-be volunteers), what challenges students face when volunteering, and what students are looking for in volunteer opportunities.

Bring your questions and your volunteer opportunities!

Register here for the webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-and-why-to-get-involved-a-student-leader-perspective-tickets-265435413467?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

5. STC-FTC Joint Meeting: Where are they now?
Date: Friday, February 25, from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM ET
Presenters: Past FTC Leaders

Just a reminder that this month’s STC Florida meeting is ALSO an FTC meeting! An annual collaboration between our two organizations, this year’s joint meeting will be in celebration of 20 years of FTC history, bringing in guest speakers from the club’s past. We’ll be sharing all the details on our end as it gets closer. If you’re already all-in, you can RSVP on the chapter’s website.

RSVP: https://stc-orlando.org/event/stc-ftc-joint-meeting-where-are-they-now-ft-past-ftc-leaders/

Finally, did you know that STC’s main website now has an event calendar? It features online meetings and webinars from throughout the community that you can join. Check it out using the link below.